User Centered Design Going Mainstream

If you know me, you know that I have a thing for podcasts. A partial list of the podcasts I listen to are 99% Invisible, Radiolab, Invisibilia, You Are Not So Smart, Reply All, StartUp, Serial, TED Radio Hour, Planet Money, and the HBR IdeaCast. I will probably do a post about that at some point.

On the same note, I also have come to really enjoy explainer journalism like Vox. I know that many journalists look down on explainer journalism, but if you can find the right sources that speak to you, every segment can be engaging and educational. Many of the podcasts I listen to teeter on explainer journalism. 

Anyway, this video about user centered design was recently published on Vox, and I couldn't help but link to it here. Roman Mars from 99% Invisible plays an interesting role in it as well as Don Norman who is on the board at the IIT Institute of Design. It seems that UCD is going very mainstream.